Our full-suite Weather Routing Service (RPM) is ideal for Time Charterers or Owners who wish to provide their master’s with additional support.

Bespoke Weather Routing

With TNM’s weather routing and performance monitoring service we provide your vessels with optimized routing advice, regular weather forecasts, and other support to ensure they arrive safely and timely.

All of our packages include:

  • Preliminary Route Recommendation
  • Regular Weather Forecasts
  • Route Adjustments as necessary
See Packages

Performance Monitoring

We like to say we are the client’s “eyes and ears” aboard the vessel. Our analysts are trained to dig deep into the data we receive from the master and to observe even the smallest details. This approach enables us to be proactive and immediately follow up in the event of an irregularity or underperformance.

All our services include a Daily Fleet Report, sent directly to you, which summarizes your vessel’s performance to-date and allows you to see the amount of “good weather” logged at a glance.

With our FleetInsight desktop and mobile app you can also check your vessel’s progress, fuel consumption, and route wherever you are.

See Packages

Looking for Performance Monitoring with no routing assistance? We offer our performance monitoring as a stand-alone service, perfect for disponent owners for whom routing is not essential.

Additional Services and Add-ons

We describe our service as “Bespoke Weather Routing” because we provide our clients with the flexibility to customize their level of service to suit their needs.

For a flat monthly rate you can request any of the below additional services be included with our standard weather routing + performance monitoring support.

All of the below services can also be ordered as a stand-alone product.

Off hire reports

During a voyage the unexpected sometimes occurs. Whether due to a mechanical failure aboard the vessel, a temporary slowdown, or an unscheduled stoppage you may wish to claim Off-Hire for events which result in delays.

To help you cope with the unexpected, TNM can prepare a report detailing the off-hire period including all relevant details which you can present to your counterparty.

Post voyage dialogue support

With a cumulative 50 years of experience handling performance claims, TNM’s claims specialists are standing by to provide you with the support you need to resolve claims efficiently, expediently, and equitably.

Our claims specialists are in good standing with the Canadian Maritime Law Association and will provide you with their expert and unbiased opinion based on the latest in maritime arbitration.

AIS tracking

For our weather routing and performance analysis services we typically rely on the information reported to us by the master in their daily noon report. AIS tracking can provide an additional reference for a vessel’s position, speed and route. When providing AIS Tracking your analyst will cross-reference the master’s reported noon positions with their AIS data every 72 hours in order to ensure the integrity of your voyage data.

In the event of an anomaly or inconsistency, your assigned analyst will promptly contact you with all relevant details as well as their proposed next steps to resolve the inconsistency


We offer several packages for our Weather Routing + Performance Monitoring service with different levels of support to suit your needs. Select the package that is perfect for you below:

Routing only Lite RPM Standard RPM Complete RPM
Preliminary Route Recommendation and Adjustments as Needed
Regular Weather Forecasts
Detailed Final Voyage Report
Off-Hire Reports
Post-Voyage Dialogue Support
Pre-Voyage Estimate
Weekly Interim Reports with Cover Email
AIS Tracking

Need help deciding? Contact our experts below or request a quote:

Weather Routing + Performance Monitoring Q & A

All our RPM services include a preliminary route recommendation made by your assigned analyst. Throughout the voyage our operations staff will review your vessel’s progress daily and monitor upcoming weather conditions. If we determine that there will be severe conditions along a vessel’s route your analyst may propose an alteration to the vessel’s route to avoid these conditions. Our operations staff includes several ex-seafarers and master mariners who draw on their experience to make informed and actionable recommendations.

Forecasts are sent out upon departure and at regular intervals throughout a voyage. When a vessel is in close proximity to a storm system or other adverse conditions we will communicate with the master and keep them updated frequently with forecasts and storm details.  

Our “RPM Service” stands for “Routing + Performance Monitoring” whereas our “PMO Service” is simply “Performance Monitoring Only”.

With our RPM service our analysts communicate directly with the master, reverting to them with a preliminary route recommendation, adjustments to the route as needed, and regular weather forecasts. Depending on the package selected we will also provide a detailed final report, off-hire reports, interim reports and more.

Performance Monitoring means that our analysts will process the data received from the master and monitor their speed, fuel consumption, and distance traveled among other factors. Performance Monitoring is included with all of our RPM packages EXCEPT “Weather Routing Only”.

Our PMO service is simply performance monitoring WITHOUT any of the route recommendations or weather forecasts. Our services are fully customizable so if you select a PMO package you still have the option of including any of our add-ons with your service. You can even request that we send weather forecasts to the vessel—its completely up to you.

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Performance Monitoring

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Disclaimer:  Any and all services provided by True North Marine are advisory in nature.  True North Marine shall not be held liable for any loss or damage (including without limitation death, personal injury, any form financial loss or damage) which results from the use or reliance on the services.