Announcing TNM’s Partnership with IVADO
The next generation of weather routing solutions has already set sail.
True North Marine is pleased to announce our partnership with the Institute for Data Valorization (IVADO), a Montréal-based scientific and economic data science hub helping to find novel solutions to private-sector problems by applying academic expertise in the areas of AI and Big Data.
Through this initiative, researchers from IVADO will work with TNM to develop the next generation of weather routing and voyage planning solutions. We are developing exciting new tools to not only allow our clients to realize cost savings in voyage planning but also to significantly reduce their fleet’s carbon footprint; an end-to-end decision support system to maximize your profits.
“In monitoring thousands of vessels each year, we collect a lot of data on shipping patterns, vessel performance and of course the weather. All of this data is valuable information which if harnessed properly can allow for businesses to make better business decisions with the added benefit of reducing CO2 emissions which is an industry wide focus going into the next decade. Sustainability will be at the forefront of our industry”
— Capt Gurjeet Warya, Vice President Operations and Business Development, True North Marine.
Three leading professors in the AI field will be overseeing the collaboration between TNM’s software development team and the researchers from IVADO. Through this partnership True North Marine will be joining over 120 industry, government, and academic organizations who’ve already partnered with IVADO.
With over 1400 member researchers, IVADO is a multidisciplinary centre of advanced expertise in statistics, artificial intelligence and operations research. IVADO’s mission is to 1) contribute to the development of an economic sector in big data processing for decision making; 2) create privileged partnerships between industry and the administrative, social and academic sectors; 3) contribute to the advancement of knowledge and train new generations of data scientists; and 4) foster exchange and knowledge sharing between experts, partners, researchers and students.
For more information, visit IVADO.