Ideal for any party seeking an expert opinion on vessel performance or in preparation for arbitration.

Expert and Unbiased Support

With TNM’s PVA service our claims specialists will fully reconstruct a past voyage and offer their expert advise, either in preparation for arbitration or to provide a second opinion on vessel performance. Included with our PVA service:

  • Reconstruction of completed voyage based on logs or abstracts of daily noon reports.
  • A detailed and transparent final report for each voyage.
  • Consulting vis a vis C/P wording
  • Access to historical weather data.


See Packages

A Reputation for Honesty

True North Marine’s reports are recognized throughout our industry for their honesty and lack of bias. Prepared in a concise, easy to understand fashion our PVA reports incorporate the latest standards in maritime arbitration. All our claims specialists are in good standing with the Canadian Maritime Law Association and have to-date completed hundreds of voyage analyses.

Whether you need to analyze a single voyage or conduct a complete review of your fleet, TNM’s specialists are here to assist you.

See Packages

Looking for Weather Routing or Performance Monitoring services? We offer a range of services to assist you with whatever support you may require.


We offer two levels of Post-Voyage Analysis support. With our PVA report only service you can expect to receive a detailed final report based on our voyage reconstruction.

If you would like performance claims consulting or post voyage dialogue support, these are included with our Full PVA Service. We are also pleased to offer Performance claims consulting as a stand alone service as well.


PVA Report Only Full PVA Service
Voyage Reconstruction
Detailed Final Analysis Report
Performance Claim Consulting
Post-Voyage Dialogue Support

Have a question? Contact our experts or order online:

Routing plus monitoring Q & A

Our team is always keeping up to date on the latest rulings and arbitration awards to ensure our reports meet current standards and so that our clients can rest assured that any position they take is warranted and justified.

Other Services


Disclaimer:  Any and all services provided by True North Marine are advisory in nature.  True North Marine shall not be held liable for any loss or damage (including without limitation death, personal injury, any form financial loss or damage) which results from the use or reliance on the services.