Emissions Services and our CII Module: New TNM Service Launch
Emissions and the drive to decarbonization have become an industry priority. True North Marine is committed to building solutions to assist the industry in meeting ESG targets while also fulfilling or exceeding their commercial goals. Our Emissions services can be tailored to meet your needs covering IMO DCS, CII, EU MRV, UK MRV, Poseidon Principles, Sea Cargo Charter or any combination of the above.
How is TNM different?
Data is the Key. Many companies are offering emissions collection services, however they rely on automated systems with little to no validation. This leads to significant errors and an exhausting process at year end, including troubleshooting with your provider to achieve data sets which yield results that make sense and are accurate. TNM have revamped their data collection process so that complete, clean and robust ship to shore reported Data is collected and archived. We deploy an Analyst in the loop approach whereby daily checks on quality of data are performed to ensure your data is always ready and available (not just at year end). No more headaches.
Many clients have opted to combine this emissions service with other TNM services such as our PMO (Performance Monitoring Only) service ensuring they can not only track emissions, but also monitor performance of their fleet and work with TNM Analysts to meet or exceed emissions / CII targets while always ensuring profitability. Our AI based software OptiNav works hand in hand with the above, assisting to manage voyages and determine optimal routing depending on clients voyage specific needs.
Integration is simple. This all-in-one solution can integrate with your current business process. We can, for example, extract data from current reports you receive for other providers thereby avoiding multiple reporting requirements for the ship crew.
TNM also provides assistance in preparation of customized reports for internal or compliance purposes (CII, IMO DCS, UK/EU MRV, SCC)
Our CII Module allows you to closely monitor attained ratings and provides tools so as to allow you to evaluate various scenarios and the trade-offs of each.
Check your attained CII rating for any period. Data is uploaded on the completion of each voyage. Benchmarking vessel’s current CII against its annual CII to help determine the roadmap and timeline for possible future improvements.
Investigating options for bettering Rating by means of improving vessel operational performance on a voyage basis using our proprietary AI enabled optimization solution; OptiNav.
Charterers can now predict voyages and make the comparison between different vessels to find the best commercial speed/consumption description to align with their decarbonization goals; a valuable pre-fixture tool for planning carbon-offset.
Now Owners and Charterers can easily simulate best case scenarios for optimizing their voyages based on a Required Emissions Rating for compliance purposes. A flexible and actionable tool to project your CII compliance status in the future with optional on demand consulting to help you take prescriptive actions for your goals towards sustainability.
Our solutions are always designed keeping your commercial needs in mind. If you are interested in collaborating with a company that is agile and solution based, please reach out to us and we will be glad to have a conversation and discuss how we can assist.